Digital Art Communities: Hubs, Nodes & Networks

Join founders of key artistic digital communities to learn how artists have experimented with technology since the 1960s and discover the little-known history of London’s digital art scene.

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+44 (0)20 7942 2000
  • Saturday, 23 November 2024

  • V&A South Kensington

    Cromwell Road
    London, SW7 2RL

  • The Lydia and Manfred Gorvy Lecture Theatre

  • Free event

Digital Art Communities: Hubs, Nodes & Networks photo
Self-organised artistic communities, across online and physical spaces, have helped to shape the UK's digital art scene since the 1960s. Join curator Pita Arreola (Off Site Project) in conversation with Zaiba Jabbar (Hervisions) and James Stevens (Backspace) to hear how London artist-led spaces have created the conditions for experimentation from those who founded and run them.

This conversation is part of the research project Hubs, Nodes and Networks: A New History of British Digital Art supported by the V&A and the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art.

Part of the V&A’s inaugural Digital Art Season which runs until 30 November 2024, and addresses questions of technology, creativity and digital culture.

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Header image: Backspace Media Lab and Riverside Lounge, Clink Street, London © Jon R. Luini / Chime