Conservation Journal
Summer 2005 Issue 50
Appendix 1: Victoria & Albert Museum Conservation Department Ethics Checklist
Victoria & Albert Museum Conservation Department Ethics Checklist
2nd Edition December 2004
A. Why is action needed?
B. Have I consulted records?
C. Have I consulted stakeholders, peers, other specialists?
D. Have I considered and weighted the factors contributing to the identity and significance of the object(s)?
E. What are my options for action which will produce an appropriate result with minimum intervention?
F. What effect will my action(s) have on the evidence of the factors contributing to the identity and significance of the object(s)?
G. Do I have sufficient information and skill to assess and implement action(s)?
H. What are the benefits/risks of each course of action and how will I continue to assess these throughout the course of action?
I. Can the use or environment be adapted instead of intervening on the object(s)?
J. Is my intended action(s) the best use of resources and is it sustainable?
K. Do established courses of action need to be adapted or new ones developed?
L. How will my action(s) affect subsequent action(s)?
M. Have I taken into account the future use and location of the object(s), and have I made recommendations accordingly?
N. Will my actions be fully documented to a known and accepted standard?
O. Will the information resulting from my actions be accessible?
P. How will I assess the success of the action(s), and how will I get feedback from stakeholders and peers?
This is the first page of the Ethics Checklist.
For the Background Document, and also the full document in printer-friendly format(s), please go to

Summer 2005 Issue 50
- Editorial
- Rising damp - a history of the Conservation Department
- V&A Conservation on the world wide web: a secondment to the V&A web team
- The ethics checklist - ten years on
- Plastics preservation at the V&A
- Working for Diaghilev
- Pugin's wallpapers from The Grange
- Prevention is better than the cure
- Research
- The Castellani diadem
- In pursuit of a clear answer: An Exhibition Road partnership
- Investigation of the room temperature corrosion of replica museum glass
- Professional collaboration - the Prince of Wales Museum of Western India
- V&A/RIBA partnership
- Picture and mirror frames: Reflections on treatment past, present and future
- A simple solution?
- Appendix 1: Victoria & Albert Museum Conservation Department Ethics Checklist
- Conservation of a tortoiseshell book cover
- The hand that rocks the cradle: Conservation administration, present and future
- Printer friendly version