Highlights in this issue
Summer 2005 Issue 50
- Editorial
- Rising damp - a history of the Conservation Department
- V&A Conservation on the world wide web: a secondment to the V&A web team
- The ethics checklist - ten years on
- Plastics preservation at the V&A
- Working for Diaghilev
- Pugin's wallpapers from The Grange
- Prevention is better than the cure
- Research
- The Castellani diadem
- In pursuit of a clear answer: An Exhibition Road partnership
- Investigation of the room temperature corrosion of replica museum glass
- Professional collaboration - the Prince of Wales Museum of Western India
- V&A/RIBA partnership
- Picture and mirror frames: Reflections on treatment past, present and future
- A simple solution?
- Appendix 1: Victoria & Albert Museum Conservation Department Ethics Checklist
- Conservation of a tortoiseshell book cover
- The hand that rocks the cradle: Conservation administration, present and future
- Printer friendly version