Stories Paintings Tell (Course plus gallery talks)

Short course

+44 (0)20 7942 2000
Join us at V&A South Kensington for a 12 week art history course where we'll explore the history of European art from a unique perspective – the V&A’s remarkable collection of paintings.  Drawing examples from the Renaissance to the early 20th century, expert lecturers uncover the stories paintings tell. 
Paintings perform so many functions.  They can entertain, delight and shock us, or communicate ideas of status and power, describe relationships between individuals and cultures, record appearances, reflect aesthetic ideals or systems of belief.  These functions change over time, so that a single work may be the starting point for many stories – from the ambitions of the artist who created it in the 16th century to the priorities of a modern museum collection.   

This course features two different ticketing options. Book on this page for entry to all the lectures shown in the programme plus six complementary gallery talks. However, if you would like to book a ticket for the lectures only, please click here to book.

Resource sheets and copies of presentation slides will be made available digitally each week.

Course Leader
Dr Kathy McLauchlan

Kathy graduated at Oxford University and the Courtauld Institute. In 2001 she completed a PhD thesis on French painters in Rome during the 19th century. A lecturer specialising in 19th-century art history, she is currently a course director at the V&A, where she organises courses and study days on the history of art and design.

A wonderful opportunity to learn in a world class museum Previous V&A Academy Course Attendee

Course overview

Explore the history of European art from a unique perspective – the V&A’s remarkable collection of paintings.  Drawing examples from the Renaissance to the early 20th century, expert lecturers uncover the stories paintings tell. 

V&A Academy. A learning environment you can trust.

Being up close with treasured objects from the V&A's collections brings your learning to life. Get precious time with incredible exemplars, as well as with our expert tutors and your fellow learners.

Enrol now

Short course: Stories Paintings Tell (Course plus gallery talks)

30 April 2025 - 16 July 2025


Need help enrolling? Talk to the admissions team:

+44 (0)20 7942 2000

Open 10.00 - 13.00, Monday to Sunday (closed 24-26 December)

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Header image: Portrait of Margaret Laton probably by Marcus Gheeraerts (the Younger), Britain, ca.1620 © Victoria and Albert Museum, London