What can be researched in the V&A Archive?
- The acquisition and provenance of the V&A's collections, recorded in tens of thousands of correspondence files, inventories and photograph albums.
- Information about specific individuals or institutions and their relationships with the V&A.
- The work of specialist advisors (so-called 'Art Referees'), 1863 – 86, such as Walter Crane, William Morris and Frederic Leighton.
- Exhibitions held within the V&A or to which the Museum lent objects, from 1862 to the present day.
- The histories and development of the V&A and its predecessors, including the Government School of Design, the Museum of Ornamental Art at Marlborough House and the South Kensington Museum.
- The history of the V&A's departments and branch museums, including the Circulation Department, the Museum of Childhood and the Theatre Museum.
- The architectural history of the V&A, including models, photographs and plans.
- Posters, publicity, press coverage and the V&A's evolving corporate identity.
- Cultural developments and events with which the V&A was associated e.g. the international exhibitions of the 19th century or the progress of art education.
- Particular periods of history or social history e.g. the V&A during wartime.
- Museology in general e.g. conservation, building and gallery design, arrangement and display of collections.
Access to the V&A Archive is available by appointment on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10.00 – 16.30 in the National Art Library at the V&A.
We recommend providing a minimum of two weeks' notice when booking your appointment.
If you have any questions about the V&A Archive or would like to make an appointment to see material in the archive, please contact us.
Search the Archive
A selection of our catalogues are available on Search the Archives, with more currently in development.
We have access to a wide range of resources – please contact us online for assistance in identifying materials relevant to your research. A helpful overview of the scope and content of the V&A Archive can be found in Anthony Burton's Vision and accident: the story of the Victoria and Albert Museum (London, 1999) and John Physick's The Victoria and Albert Museum: a history of its building (London, 1982).
Research guides
Use our Research guides to discover popular topics of study relating to the V&A collections, buildings and history. These guides describe books, manuscripts, photographs and other sources which are available in the V&A Archive, and offer some introductory guidance to their use.

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