i. This Prize is offered by the Board of Trustees of the Victoria and Albert Museum ("V&A") and all reference to "we" and "our" are references to the V&A.
ii. Entrants must be over 18 years old.
iii. One entry per person.
iv. The V&A Parasol Foundation Prize for Women in Photography is open to all women and is trans-inclusive.
v. Applications are welcome from international artists, both professionals and amateurs.
vii. Entry is via online portal only. We are unable to accept email or postal applications.
viii. Submissions must be photographic or lens-based media. Please note that we are currently unable to consider moving image, multimedia, VR, and installation-based submissions.
ix. Submissions will be considered from all forms of photographic art. This includes, but is not limited to, storytelling, narrative, social documentary, construction, archival, conceptual, research-based or theoretical practices.
x. Work submitted must have been created in the last three years or since 2020.
xi. Work submitted should not have previously been exhibited in London
Images submitted can be shot using any camera model or electronic device.
xii. Entrants should be singular artists. Applications from photographic duos, groups and artist collectives are currently not eligible.
xiii. Entrants warrant that they are the creator of their images, that they own the entire copyright for each submitted work, and that they have the necessary permissions to submit images featuring third parties or their works.
xiv. Entrants grant the V&A and Peckham 24 a non-exclusive license to reproduce their artwork for use in the V&A Parasol Foundation Prize for Women in Photography exhibition, and related online, social media and printed media publicity. Entrants will be credited.
xv. Winners must be able to supply high-res files for press and production requirements.
xvi. You may edit your entry after submitting, up until the entry deadline.
xvii. You accept that the V&A will not be responsible for any loss or damage to submitted work.
xviii. Applications are subject to the submission of a 20-image portfolio, artist statement, biography and a proposed installation layout. We will be unable to consider incomplete submissions or those which do not meet the Prize criteria.
xix. By registering an account and submitting your details, you agree to receive notifications and communication emails regarding the V&A Parasol Foundation Prize for Women in Photography.
xx. All personal data submitted to us will be used to administer the prize and in accordance with our Privacy Notice.
xxi. Applications are open 2 November 2023 until 4 January 2024. Entrants will be notified confidentially by email by 28 February 2024.
xxii. By entering you agree to the AwardForce terms of service, and understand the AwardForce privacy policy and cookie policy.
xxiii. We are unable to make exceptions for late submissions unless otherwise agreed with the Prize organisers. Please allow for sufficient time to complete your application.
xxiv. The selection committees' decision is final. Please note we will be unable to provide feedback on individual submissions.
The V&A Parasol Foundation Prize for Women in Photography is supported by Ms. Ruth Monicka Parasol and The Parasol Foundation Trust.