Supported by NET-A-PORTER
Welcome to the School of Confidence with Drag Queen and King, That Girl and Brent Would, a place for families to explore finding confidence together through movement, props, performance, and a little cheekiness!
Inspired by the DIVA exhibition, and both That Girl and Brent Would’s life experiences as divas, figure out what it takes to find your inner confidence. Your two teachers will take you through a series of exercises from power poses to positive affirmations, accessorising, strutting the catwalk, and beyond!
You will get to perform, craft and catwalk in a space where everyone is encouraged to celebrate you, for just being true to yourself!
No previous experience of performance is required, just the audacity to become your best self! Book a ticket, pop-along and join in!
Each workshop is approximately 40 minutes long. Workshops are free and ticketed, starting at 11:00, 13:00 and 15:00. This event is likely to be very popular, capacity will be limited. Please allow some extra time to queue for a space.
This is a family event for adults to take part in with their children; no child can be left unattended. Suitable for ages 7+.
Supported by NET-A-PORTER