Highlights in this issue

Conservation Award
Jonathan Ashley-Smith, head of Conservation at the V& A, was awarded the Plowden Medal in recognition of his significant contribution to the advancement of the conservation profession.

Creating Sparks
Brenda Keneghan, Polymer Scientist, Conservation Department
The identification and deterioration of modern materials among the Museum's collections is the topic of a gallery talk to be given as part of the 'creating SPARKS' festival.

Postgraduate Training in Conservation at the Hungarian National Museum
Kathryn Hallett, RCA/V&A Conservation MA Conservation Student
In June 2000, tutors and students from RCA/V& A Conservation travelled to Budapest, Hungary, for a five-day study trip.

Science in the Galleries
Philip Ball, Consultant Editor, Nature
Do the sciences and the arts really share common ground and goals? Do they have anything to say to one another? Why is it worth trying to build bridges?
Autumn 2000 Issue 36
- Editorial - Science Meets Art in South Kensington
- Conservation Award
- Creating Sparks
- Defining Conservation Science: Training and the Profession
- Postgraduate Training in Conservation at the Hungarian National Museum
- Science and Art: Separated by a Common Language?
- Science in the Galleries
- Topographical Studies in the Conservation of Statuary Materials
- Printer Friendly Version