Highlights in this issue
January 1999 Issue 30
- Editorial - Change, Access and Permanence
- Consolidation of Painted Surfaces. A Workshop led by Sandra Grantham, 11th September 1998
- The Novels of Charles Dickens; Bound to Last? The Structural Evolution of a Manuscript's Bindings
- Non-Destructive Pigment Analysis Using Raman Microscopy
- An investigation into the archival properties of colour photocopies and inkjet prints: Summary of a project undertaken at Camberwell College of Art as part of a BA in Paper Conservation, Spring 1996
- 24th Annual Conference of Canadian Association for Conservation of Cultural Property in Whitehouse, Yukon, 27-29 May 1998
- Science Surgery
- RCA/V&A Conservation Course Abstracts
- Issue 30 Printer Friendly Version