9658 results for 'chairs' across All Categories
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Blog PostA Moving Experience: Olympia to the Olympic Parkproject: 3,500 pair of shoes, 6,271 drawers of textiles and clothing, 5,476 items of hanging dress, 1500 chairs…
Blog PostElm, wellness and playOn the top floor of the museum, floating among the many chairs on display in the V&A’s furniture gallery…
Blog PostAn experiment in the forestIt is a technique best known for producing Windsor Chairs, which are characterised by their solid wood…
Blog PostFour photographers snap behind-the-scenes in a museum storeA chair wrapped in white plastic could be a mass-produced modern piece, or a priceless ancient artefact…
Blog PostV&A Illustration Awards 2024 – the winners!The judges for the 2024 Awards were Chris Riddell, James Albon, Maru Aguzzi and Yasmeen Ismail, chaired…
Blog PostThinking at the timescale of forests: Adam StanfordHe conceived a chair made of wooden elements put under such tension that it will eventually lead to its…
Blog PostMaterial Cultures: Woodland Goods(Left) spruce bark chips composite, coast redwood bark ply, pine needles composite and silver birch bark…
Blog PostMake Good: Rethinking material futuresof the From the Forest display and is made using a traditional type of making called ‘bodging’ or ‘chair…
Blog PostLost and Found Yōkai: meet the artists part 2In the theme of ‘umbrellas’, ‘rain’, ‘spring’ and ‘growth’, the spirit charms that hang from the umbrella…
Blog PostEthics in Collaborative Research: mechanisms and principlesMichael is also a board member of the UK Museums Association and chair of its Ethics Committee.…
Blog PostSchool 21: “Why should I care about a chair?”The V&A East Storehouse, opening 2024, will revolutionise access to the collection and visitors will be invited on a behind-the-scenes tour where they will encounter a wide variety of objects through changing displays and a...
Blog PostInventing new support systems – George Feredaycreated space for this dialogue, and for better understanding between silos in the UK timber supply chain…
Blog PostSchool 21: “Why should I care about a chair?” Part 2Opening in 2024, V&A East Storehouse will revolutionise access to the V&A’s collection. We will invite visitors on a behind-the-scenes tour where they will encounter a wide variety of objects through changing displays, see the...
Blog PostLaunching a new training and development programme for early career researchersA half-day workshop, organised by our Steering Committee Chair Ashish Ghadiali, addressed the challenge…
Blog PostAI Assisted Collections ExplorationI drove off amidst a flourish of trumpets, “God save the Queen” & loud cheers.…
Blog PostThe Linda McKnight Archive – Recognising an Overlooked CraftRough sketches and notes written in sparkly gel pen give this notebook a particular charm. …
Blog PostFrom Dolly to DickensOur special collections chart the art and crafts of the book from medieval manuscripts to contemporary…
Blog PostChristien Meindertsma: Re-forming WasteChristien Meinderstma 3D printing a woollen chair model.…
Blog PostYoung V&A wins Art Fund Museum of the Year 2024The 2024 judging panel chaired by Art Fund director Jenny Waldman, included: Anupam Ganguli (Finance…
Blog PostLost and Found Yōkai: meet the artists part 3form of a yōkai with elements from her 1977 Punk collection: rips and tears, beaded safety pins and chains…