Meet the Designer in the Shed

Take a peek into a busy design studio, and discover Clara Chu's design process and placement project in 'The Shed'.

+44 (0)20 7942 2000
  • Young V&A

    Cambridge Heath Road
    Bethnal Green, London, E2 9PA
  • The Shed, Design Gallery

  • Families, Under 26, Schools, Teachers

    Schools and Families 5-14

  • Free event

Meet our 'Designer in the Shed' Clara Chu, fashion accessories designer. Explore her design process and unique approach to materials. This is an opportunity to meet a designer and ask them questions while having a tour and rare insight studio a busy design studio. Clara Chu will display her new collection of accessories inspired by Young V&A collections and created during her placement.

Open for drop-in school tours on Thursday's between 11.00-13.00 and open to the public for drop-in show and tell on Saturday's 14.00-16.00 on the advertised dates.