The SIM Project: Connected Artefacts of Migration (Livestream)

Join the SIM Project team for an interactive launch of the SIMPod, a portable camera and darkroom, and discover miniature glass prints that tell migration stories from around the world

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+44 (0)20 7942 2000
  • Sunday, 22 September 2024

  • The Lydia and Manfred Gorvy Lecture Theatre, Level 3

  • Free event

 The SIM Project: Connected Artefacts of Migration (Livestream) photo
The SIM Project, inspired by collaboration with refugees, focuses on the SIM card as a tool that provides a portable sense of belonging. Join artist Liz Hingley and her team as they delve into the project's conceptual and technical evolution, featuring analogue and digital photography, 3D printing, and jewellery making. They will share stories from participants, expressed through personal SIM-scale wearable glass and metal artefacts, created in workshops across 8 countries.

Led by artist Liz Hingley, The SIM Project is grounded in collaboration and supported by a multidisciplinary team.

This talk will be livestreamed on Zoom and all ticketholders will receive a link to view the morning of the talk. 

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Header image: The SIM Project