Alice: Curiouser and Curiouser
What would happen, if, like Lewis Caroll’s White Queen, queers could believe up to six impossible things before breakfast? And then, what if we combined that with the cry of the 1968 Paris uprising, and demanded the impossible? What sort of queer Wonderland would we create?
Join Rachael House for a free two-hour zine making workshop in the Art Studio and we’ll find out together.
Rachael is a legend of the comic strip and queer zine scene, creator of the auto-bio series ‘Red Hanky Panky’ starting in 1991, 'The Hissterics' in 2011 celebrating women in punk and more. Her zines are in museum and university archives around the world. Her new book ‘Resistance Sustenance Protection’ is a year of pandemic related drawings evoking genderqueer deities to guide us through the mire. The comic strips within are humorous but hard-hitting, tackling political corruption and queer mental health issues whilst celebrating positive activism and community kindness.
By the end of this structured workshop, each participant will have made a one-off mini zine. Materials provided. No previous experience is necessary. Work will be shared with others in the workshop.
Limited capacity, first come first served.
Part of Being Human Festival
In partnership with Queen Mary, University of London
Alice: Curiouser and Curiouser