Friday Late: Wild Digits

Featuring games, performances and interactive installations, this Friday Late reimagines what digital technology can bring into our lives.

+44 (0)20 7942 2000
Using technology in radical ways, artists disrupt the impact of Internet culture, artificial intelligence, surveillance and algorithms. In these imaginative spaces, experience new worlds where we co-create with robots, co-live with other species and rewild natural habitats. Join us to play and interact with gaming where we can reclaim narratives, foster empathy, and take back agency to redesign digital futures. 

This Friday Late, curated as part of V&A’s inaugural Digital Art Season, spotlights an emerging network of critical practices shaping the UK contemporary digital art scene. It features installations, workshops and performances by Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley, Sougwen 愫君 Chung, Libby Heaney, Aziza Kadyri, Keiken and so on. 
Header image: Sougwen Chung