A World of Many Worlds

A unique showcase of hybrid digital-analogue artworks, exploring the multiplicity of worlds that make up the one we see every day

+44 (0)20 7942 2000
  • Friday, 20 September 2024 - Sunday, 22 September 2024

  • Friday - 18.30 – 22.00 // Saturday - 10.30 – 17.00 // Sunday 10.30 – 17.00

  • V&A South Kensington

    Cromwell Road
    London, SW7 2RL

  • Lunchroom 1 + 2 , Learning Centre

  • Free event

A World of Many Worlds photo
Through this selection of works from the MA in Information Experience Design at the RCA, explore the multiplicity of reality: where diverse perspectives arise through the senses, human and nonhuman relationships, unconscious impulses, and the emergence of many intelligences.

Discover in this showcase a selection of artworks by the following students:

Machine Yearning by Yashika Goel 
‘Machine Yearning’ invites you to imagine alternative futures with emerging Artificial Intelligence. In dialogue with our everyday longing for change, the AI patterns, glitches, and iterates to learn what it means to yearn. 

Code consultant - Anushka Agrawal 

The Living Room by Jane Lee, Vaishakhi Wasnik and Nahuel Basterretche
This interactive installation challenges participants to work together in maintaining a delicate ecosystem. The environment reacts to human presence. Areas with little activity fade, while overused zones wear down. Visitors must find a balance between activity and restraint to keep the installation healthy. 

It is not what is in it but it is what it is in by Nathan Smith
AI-powered computers use human data to assess and alter the world. Two AIs talk to each other in a loop: one AI manipulates the world it sees, while the other tells it what to change. Meanwhile, a group of AIs talk about this new reality. 

The Latent Chair byJiwon Jang 
This project explores how AI perceives chairs and how humans might follow AI’s way of thinking. By looking at chairs from different angles, taking them apart, and then putting them back together into new structures, it shows a departure from AI, highlighting human creativity. 

Special drop-in activity part of Digital Design Weekend, a free digital art and design festival taking place on 20-22 September. 

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Header image: RCA