Door to Design: Family Festival 2018

Join us for free family drop-in workshops inspired by the museum’s architecture and design.

+44 (0)20 7942 2000
  • V&A South Kensington

    Cromwell Road
    London, SW7 2RL

  • The John Madejski Garden

  • Families

  • Free event

Door to Design: Family Festival 2018 photo

Take part in workshops designed and led by artists and families from the Door to Design project, and view their work in the Door to Design display. Supported by John Lyon’s Charity.

These three workshops will be running as part of the event:

3D Reflective Sculptures
Join artist Daniel Curtis to build a group installation, inspired by light and the reflective surfaces of the V&A Sackler Courtyard. Get creative with reflective papers to create your own 3D sculpture, which you can then either add to the installation or take home.
Location: The John Madejski Garden, Level 1 (if fine weather), The Raphael Cartoons, Level 1 (if wet)

Smell Mapping
Take part in a special smell tour of the V&A with designer Tom Gayler. Work together as a family to discover the different smells hidden in the materials and spaces of the museum, and help us create a giant V&A smell map! Tours start at 12.00, 13.00, 14.00, 15.00, 16.00 and will last approx. 25 mins.
Location: The John Madejski Garden, Level 1 (if fine weather), The Raphael Cartoons, Level 1 (if wet)

Textile Transfers
Taking inspiration from the architecture at the V&A, work with artist Ursula Kelly to create paper collages and learn how to transform your design into a textile artwork!
Location: Art Studio, Sackler Centre for Arts Education, Level 0

‘Door to Design’ is a three-year school and families project supported by John Lyon’s Charity. Using the Museum’s Exhibition Road Quarter as inspiration, ‘Door to Design’ works with local primary school children to explore architecture and design. Each year, pupils, teachers and families from three schools will work alongside an architect, artist or designer to explore how the new entrance welcomes visitors and to inspire their own architectural designs and projects. Please visit the Door to Design display in the John Lyons Community Gallery (Sackler Centre for arts education) to see what the young designers have created.