Talk 1: Is the Internet a walled garden?
Saturday 21st September, 13.00 to 14.00
This panel discussion will use ecological metaphors to explore ways in which the current structure of the Internet can be understood and critiqued.
Talk 2: Crafting an Internet for Everyone
Saturday 21st September, 14.30 to 15.30
This panel will explore how craft principles—like localism, provenance, and care—can inspire more humane and inclusive digital experiences, and present alternative visions for a more empathetic and accessible Internet.
Dr Ame Elliott – Designer & Researcher
Prof Vladan Joler – Artist Researcher
Neha Singh, Director - Quicksand Design Studio, Designer and Researcher
Dr Geke van Dijk – Design Researcher
Prof Justin Marshall – Digital Craftsperson & Researcher
Prof Andrew Prescott – Historian & Archivist
Prof Jon Rogers – Creative Technologist & Researcher
This event is free, drop-in, places are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
Part of
Digital Design Weekend at the V&A