Late Medieval to Early Renaissance Europe: 1350-1450

Online course

+44 (0)20 7942 2000
Explore the transition from Gothic to Renaissance in European art, from the innovations of Van Eyck in Flanders to those of early Renaissance Florence, alongside the V&A’s spectacular collections of late medieval art, textiles and renaissance sculpture. 

On this online art history course, you can learn from our world-class experts wherever you are, whenever suits you: watch lectures live or view the recording later in your own time. You can experience the full breadth and depth of the V&A's collections with more than 40 hours of study over 12 weeks. Learn at your own pace: lecture recordings and study materials, lecture notes, copies of the presentations, and additional study materials are available in our secure Microsoft Teams environment for up to 12 weeks after the course ends, so you'll never miss a thing. And finally, join the conversation: share your perspective with your fellow students, and support each other in your further enquiries outside of class time. 

Course Leader
Dr Sally Dormer

Dr Sally Dormer is a specialist medieval art historian with an M.A. in Medieval Art History and Ph.D. on Medieval illuminated manuscripts from the Courtauld Institute, London University. Sally teaches, or has taught, for the Art Fund, the Arts Society, Art Pursuits, London Art History Society, Swan Hellenic, and Gresham College.

Such a joy to be taught with such intelligence, warmth and humour Previous V&A Academy Online Course Attendee

Course overview

Gothic reached its apogee at the courts of Bohemia, Burgundy and France around 1400, where princely patrons commissioned artworks of superlative craftsmanship and beauty. Meanwhile an increasingly wealthy urban elite in cities like Bruges and Florence expanded the scope of artistic patronage. New styles and attitudes were also emerging. In Flanders, the Van Eycks achieved unprecedented naturalism in painting, while in Italy the rediscovery of classical antiquity, promoted by humanist studies, contributed to the creation of a new style by Donatello, Ghiberti, Masaccio and Brunelleschi. Concomitantly, traditional art forms such as tapestry and embroidery, manuscripts and metalwork continued to be prized. 

Other lecturers include Dr Paula Nuttall, independent Renaissance scholar and former Director of 1350-1450 V&A Academy Course; Dr Dorigen Caldwell, Senior Lecturer, Birkbeck, University of London; Dr Catherine Yvard, Curator, National Art Library, V&A; Dr Jim Harris, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford; Dr Jana Gajdošová, Sam Fogg Gallery, London 

V&A Members can book from 10.00 (BST) on Friday 11 October 2024. General booking will open at 10.00 (BST) on Monday 21 October 2024.

Enrol now

Online course: Late Medieval to Early Renaissance Europe: 1350-1450

14 January 2025 - 1 April 2025


Call to book +44 (0)20 7942 2000

Need help enrolling? Talk to the admissions team:

+44 (0)20 7942 2000

Open 10.00 - 13.00, Monday to Sunday (closed 24-26 December)

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