Members' Tour: Dutch Domesticity

Step into the world of Dutch Domesticity through the exploration of genre paintings within the collections with V&A Guide Elizabeth Hamilton.

+44 (0)20 7942 2000
  • V&A South Kensington

    Cromwell Road
    London, SW7 2RL
  • Blavatnik Hall

  • For Members

  • Tickets cost £15.00

    Includes refreshments.

Past Event

17th century Netherlandish art is often referred to as the Golden Age of Dutch painting, a period which never fails to draw crowds to exhibitions. Exploration overseas brought wealth to the maritime nation, and this is reflected in the domestic life as illustrated in many of the genre paintings of the new Dutch Republic. Tulipomania takes hold and Chinese porcelain demonstrates wealth and taste.

Tour end times are approximate and may vary to what is shown. Please note this tour includes walking and stairs, please contact the Membership Events team directly with any questions about accessibility. Optional light refreshments will be served after the tour in the Members' Room.