Unlocked: Romanesque Treasures in the V&A: Heaven on Earth

One-day course

+44 (0)20 7942 2000
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V&A Academy Unlocked days invite you behind the scenes, bringing you face-to-face with the V&A's extraordinary collections.

This study day will introduce you to Romanesque treasures in the V&A: Medieval churches were often described during the Middle Ages as a foretaste of Heaven, on earth. Their grand proportions, polychromed interiors and spectacular furnishings fashioned from silver, silk, ivory, and enamel created an otherworldly paradise dramatically different from ordinary life. This day will explore how patrons and craftsmen achieved these effects and offer an opportunity to look closely at some V&A medieval ivories that are not on public display.

This Unlocked study day is designed to complement the 12-week online Summer term course ‘Romanesque to Gothic: European Art 1050-1250' led by Dr Sally Dormer but you do not need to be enrolled on any online course to join an ‘Unlocked’ event.

V&A Members get priority booking.

course photo
Portrait of Course Director Dr Sally Dormer

Course Director
Dr Sally Dormer

Dr Sally Dormer is a specialist medieval art historian and lecturer, with an M.A. in Medieval Art History and a Ph.D. on Medieval manuscript illumination from the Courtauld Institute, and is Course Director of the V&A Academy’s 'From Romanesque to Gothic' Course. Michaela Zöschg is a curator of Medieval art & design at the V&A.

A rare opportunity to meet in tutors in person and handle objects. I'm in awe of the breadth and depth of their knowledge and desire to share with us all. Previous Unlocked Study Day Attendee

Being up close with treasured objects from the V&A's collections brings your learning to life. Get precious time with incredible exemplars, as well as with our expert tutors and your fellow learners.

Membership Priority Booking opens at 10.00 GMT on Wednesday 31 January. General Booking opens at 10.00 GMT on Monday 12 February.

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One-day course: Unlocked: Romanesque Treasures in the V&A: Heaven on Earth

21 June 2024


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Need help enrolling? Talk to the admissions team:

+44 (0)20 7942 2000

Open 10.00 - 13.00, Monday to Sunday (closed 24-26 December)

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