Alice: Curiouser and Curiouser
Join us for a weekend of talks, performances and workshops celebrating the 150th anniversary of the publication of Lewis Carroll's, 'Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There'. See the programme for full details.>
Experience immersive installations from The Female Lead's project ‘What I See’, inviting women to question how they perceive themselves in the mirror, plus a multidisciplinary installation featuring the surreal animation of artist Shiyi Li. Discover how Alice’s adventures were reframed in British and American suffrage plays in, 'Will you, won’t you join the Suffrage dance?' a special event from theatre historian Dr Naomi Paxton. Take part in an image distortion workshop exploring image and scale in art and photography plus listen to live music at lunchtime from Lucy Stevens performing Liza Lehmann’s Nonsense Songs from Alice in Wonderland.
Plus Award winning costume designer Sandy Powell will be in conversation discussing her incredible career in a ticketed event. This is a ticketed event, search 'Sandy Powell' on our website to find out more.
Alice: Curiouser and Curiouser