Early Medieval 300 – 1250

Year course

+44 (0)20 7942 2000

Celebrate the Museum’s world-class early medieval collection. Spanning the period from the 4th to the mid 13th century, the course covers the rise of Christianity in the East and West, and demonstrates how patrons and artists of the early Middle Ages transformed Classical principles to meet the aspirations of the new world order. Buildings and artefacts as diverse as Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, the Gloucester Candlestick, the Gospels of Henry the Lion and the Alfred Jewel, will be set within their historical context, and interpreted in terms of their patronage, materials and techniques, function and original setting.

course photo
Portrait of Year Course Director Dr Sally Dormer

Year Course Director
Dr Sally Dormer

Dr Sally Dormer is a specialist medieval art historian and lecturer who gained an MA in Medieval Art History and a PhD on medieval manuscript illumination at the Courtauld Institute, University of London.

This course provides a fascinating insight into the diverse art of the period. The superb quality of the lecturers, the frequent visits to the galleries and the lively debate all contribute to making this a unique learning experience. Teresa Lane, former V&A Year Course student, current PhD student at the Courtauld Insititute of Art

Delve deeper into the subjects you love

• Term tickets available by calling +44 (0)20 7942 2000
• Refreshments served
• Students are eligible to apply for NUS student cards
• Over 60s discount available, plus concessions for ES40 holders and registered disabled people

Course overview

Autumn Term

12 weeks, 23 September – 9 December 2016

300 - 800

The Roman Emperor Constantine granted Christianity legal status in 313. As the Western Roman Empire collapsed, Christianity flourished. A specifically Christian visual iconography evolved, heavily reliant on the weakening tradition of pagan Antiquity. In the East, Antique traditions persisted in the Byzantine Empire.

Spring Term (day tickets on sale now)

12 weeks, 13 January – 31 March 2017


In 800, Charlemagne, the Frankish King, became Emperor of the Romans. The Carolingian emperors, and their Ottonian successors, sought to revive the world of Christian Antiquity. In Anglo-Saxon England the arts flourished with monasteries playing a central role.

Summer Term (term tickets on sale now)

12 weeks, 28 April – 14 July 2017

1050 – 1250

The powerful Western church built “Romanesque” churches influenced by Roman precedents. Circa 1140 the “New” Style, characterised by height and light emerged (known as “Gothic” from the seventeenth century), heralding an increasingly urban society, dominated by lay piety and patronage.

Enrol now

Year course: Early Medieval 300 – 1250

23 September 2016 - 14 July 2017

£73.00 - £1,950.00

Call to book +44 (0)20 7942 2000

Need help enrolling? Talk to the admissions team:

+44 (0)20 7942 2000

Open 10.00 - 13.00, Monday to Sunday (closed 24-26 December)