Lee Miller

Lee Miller (1907 – 77) is one of the most remarkable artists of our generation: a celebrated photographer, respected member of the Surrealist art movement, war correspondent, model and gourmet chef. 
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In 2007 the V&A hosted the exhibition The Art of Lee Miller, to honour the centenary year of Miller's birth. Curated by Mark Haworth-Booth, the exhibition was accompanied by a portfolio of six silver gelatin prints, representing a cross section of Miller's extraordinary photographic career, which are now proudly in our permanent Photography Collection.


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'Women with firemasks, Downshire Hill, London, England', photograph by Lee Miller, from the portfolio Quintessential Lee Miller: Six photographs by Lee Miller selected by Mark Haworth-Booth, 1941. Museum no. E.474:3X-2010. © Lee Miller Archives, England