19-year-old Londoner Elizabeth Farrell goes by the alias 'Glacier Girl', under which she produces visual environmental activism primed for the digital age.

Climate change is almost invisible, particularly if you live in cities, so making it something visual is really important. Whether we can see it or not, it’s not a future thing, it’s happening now, and I think that’s hard to grasp.
Inspired by the visual nous of third-wave feminism but deeply invested in reversing climate change, Glacier Girl has found a cult following among her peers on social media, raising awareness of a subject she felt was glossed over in school – “I didn’t learn about climate change as an issue until age 18. We learnt about greenhouse gasses and the science behind it, but we didn’t learn about the impact that our lifestyles have".
So she’s taken the task on herself, translating the research of academics like Naomi Klein into slick photographs and installations that subvert the traditional iconography of big industry and modern capitalism and hammer home our precarious position on earth.
It’s our future and we have more invested in it, and if older generations aren’t picking up on that, then it’s down to us to create that for ourselves.
Find out more about Glacier Girl