Highlights in this issue

The new paintings galleries
Nicola Costaras, Head Painting Conservator
The New Paintings Galleries at the V& A have just opened to the public. The practical conservation of the paintings started exactly a year ago in November 2002. One hundred and sixty-seven of the 200 oil paintings on display required some work and we had just under one year in which to complete it.

The conservation of three gilded frames for the new paintings galleries at the Victoria and Albert Museum
Barbara Dabrowa, Conservator-Frames, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
To treat three of the more severely damaged gilded frames I combined traditional methods, for preparing the surface for gilding, with non-traditional gilding methods.

An introduction to gemmology
Joanna Whalley, Senior Metalwork Conservator
At the V& A, some of the gem materials have never been professionally assessed and may have been labelled incorrectly, if labelled at all. Theory and practical examinations were successfully completed in March 2003.

An Indian painting workshop led by Shammi Bannu
Mike Wheeler, Senior Paper Conservator
Shammi Bannu is a renowned master artist in India with a very long family tradition of miniature painting which stretches back several hundred years. He was invited to England to demonstrate painting techniques.
Spring 2004 Issue 46
- Editorial
- The new paintings galleries
- The cleaning of two paintings by Turner
- The conservation of three gilded frames for the new paintings galleries at the Victoria and Albert Museum
- An introduction to gemmology
- Restructuring of the Department
- Staff development in conservation issues
- CoSHH does work
- The OCEAN project at the V&A
- An Indian painting workshop led by Shammi Bannu
- Printer friendly version