Highlights in this issue

'Method in our Madness': Method Statements and the British Galleries
Albert Neher, Head of Furntiure Conservation
This is the story of how the V& A moved a vast number of objects with the relative certainty that they would be handled, packed and transported quickly, safely and economically.

Removal and Installation of Mirrors for the British Galleries Project
John Dowling, Museum Technician, Technical Services
The British Galleries Project necessitated the movement of a number of large, fragile, highly decorated mirrors. This combination of adjectives, when referring to Museum objects, presents some serious handling problems.

The Remounting of a Victorian Tile Panel
Fiona Jordan, Senoir Conservator, Ceramics and Glass Conservation
Tiles of diverse form, use and decorative theme will be on view in the British Galleries. This article describes the method used for mounting one of the largest panels.

Don't Sit Down! The Investigation and Conservation of an Upholstered Seventeenth Century Settee
Derek Balfour, Senior Conservator (Upholstery), Textile Conservation
A late 17th century settee will form part of a display which will emphasise upholstery, in the Tudor and Stuart section of the new British Galleries.
October 1999 Issue 33
- Editorial - Changing Landscapes
- The British Galleries 1500-1900: An Overview
- 'Method in our Madness': Method Statements and the British Galleries
- Removal and Installation of Mirrors for the British Galleries Project
- The Remounting of a Victorian Tile Panel
- A Brief History of Mounts
- Don't Sit Down! The Investigation and Conservation of an Upholstered Seventeenth Century Settee
- Off-site Radio Telemetry
- Science Surgery
- Printer Friendly Version