Highlights in this issue

Weighing up silver objects: evaluating past and future conservation methods
Simon Metcalf, Metalwork Conservator, Metalwork Conservation
Over the past three years Metalwork Conservation has surveyed and conserved more than 1500 silver based objects in preparation for the re-opening of the Victoria & Albert Museum's Silver Gallery.

Reflections on Silver
Sophia Strang Steel, Metalwork Conservation Student, RCA/V&A Conservation Course
The OED definition of a student reads: 'Person studying in order to qualify himself for some occupation or devoting himself to some branch of learning...' In my first year of study I came to readily associate such a definition with the treatment of objects, but it was the treatment of objects for the Silver Gallery which helped me to begin to define conservation as a 'subject/branch of learning/occupation'.

Investigations into the Use of Laponite as a Poulticing Material in Ceramics Conservation
Lai-Mei Lee, Philip Rogers, Department of Materials, Imperial College, London Victoria Oakley, Head of Ceramics and Glass Conservation Juanita Navarro, Ceramics Conservator, Ceramics and Glass Conservation
Laponites (Laporte Absorbents) are a range of synthetic silicates manufactured from pure chemicals. Fundamentally they are closely related to the natural clay mineral hectorite.

The Archive of Heal & Son Limited
Helen Lindsay, Contract Book Conservator, Conservation Department
In 1994 the second and final part of the archive of Heal & Son Limited arrived at the Archive of Art and Design at Blythe House. It joined an earlier batch of material which had been donated to the V& A in 1978.
January 1997 Issue 22
- Editorial
- Weighing up silver objects: evaluating past and future conservation methods
- Reflections on Silver
- Investigations into the Use of Laponite as a Poulticing Material in Ceramics Conservation
- Nappies at the National Museum of Childhood
- Mounts for the Display of Books
- The Archive of Heal & Son Limited
- Slides and Frisbees - Determining Dust Deposition Rates
- Summer Placement at the Canadian Conservation Institute
- Summer Placement at the Central Research Laboratory for Objects of Art and Science, Amsterdam
- Printer Friendly Version