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What is Luxury?

What is Luxury? - Object in Focus: Fragile Future Concrete Chandelier by Studio Drift

For Fragile Future Concrete Chandelier, dandelion seed heads were harvested before opening into ‘clocks’ and individually applied to LED lights to make this chandelier. The lights are powered by an innovative three-dimensional bronze circuit which conducts electricity and avoids wiring. This fusion of nature and technology is a poetic comment on the possibilities of uniting two seemingly opposite systems.

© Studio Drift, FF3 CC, Courtesy of Carpenters Workshop Gallery

© Studio Drift, FF3 CC, Courtesy of Carpenters Workshop Gallery

© Studio Drift, FF3 CC, Courtesy of Carpenters Workshop Gallery

In this video, designers Lonneke Gordijn and Ralph Nauta describe the motivations and processes behind the work.

Studio Drift, The making of Fragile Future, a film by ximix films.

Visit Studio Drift's website

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