Leaves through the seasons

Which season are you?

We love the changing seasons! There’s always something to look forward to. Speaking of seasonal changes, have you ever pondered which season is most like your personality? Well, wonder no more… Take this quiz and we’ll tell you whether you’re most like spring, summer, autumn or winter!

Question 1 out of 10:

What’s your favourite type of drink?

Hot chocolates with whipped cream and cinnamon placed on a table
Question 2 out of 10:

Which is your favourite colour?

Colour pantone
Question 3 out of 10:

Which is your preferred way to chill out?

Man relaxing over a tree branch in a woods
Question 4 out of 10:

It’s your turn to choose dinner, which are you requesting?

Pizza on a surface next to some tomatoes
Question 5 out of 10:

Which baby animal do you find the cutest?

Baby Hedgehog
Question 6 out of 10:

What’s your favourite celebration?

Question 7 out of 10:

What do you feel the most comfortable wearing?

A rack of black t-shirts
Question 8 out of 10:

If you could live in one of these places, which would you choose?

Someone's hand on a map
Question 9 out of 10:

How do you feel about the rain?

Someone walking down a lit street in the rain at dusk
Question 10 out of 10:

And finally… would you prefer to be really hot or really cold?


Are you ready to get your results?