Cute-faced robot with lots of wires, outlined in a red and orange glow on a light blue dotted background

AI or real photo: It is a V&A object or an AI image?

We asked an AI to analyse – and then recreate – 10 objects from the V&A collections. Can you tell which images are the original objects, and which ones are completely computer-generated? It’s not as easy as you might think…

Question 1 out of 9:

Which of these is the real Portland Vase?

Black ceramic vase with decorative figures and leaves
Black ceramic vase with decorative figures and leaves
Question 2 out of 9:

Which of these is a real mid-1800s wallpaper by designer Owen Jones?

Wallpaper with red and black geometric shapes
Wallpaper with red and black floral shapes
Question 3 out of 9:

Which of these is a real 1968 chair by Peter Ghyczy?

Yellow polyurethane egg chair
Yellow polyurethane egg chair with folding back
Question 4 out of 9:

Which of these hats was really worn in the musical, Wicked?

Dark blue fabric witches hat with narrow brim
Dark blue fabric witches hat with wide brim
Question 5 out of 9:

Which of these is a real puppet?

Seated puppet of Mr Punch
Wooden glove puppet of Mr Punch
Just a quick random question – you don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to.

Did you know there is LOADS more on mused?

[This doesn’t affect your result]
A photograph of many people dressed as different Spider-man and Spider-woman all posing in a superhero pose

Yes! I’ve seen a bunch of stuff I’m keen to check out! 26%

I’ve only seen more things at the end of a quiz, but it looked cool 14%

Oh really? I’ve only done this one thing – where is it all? 21%

No, but I’m not that fussed – happy just to do this one thanks! 39%

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Question 6 out of 9:

Which of these is a real teapot from 1879?

Tarnished silver teapot with three pronged handle
Silver teapot with three pronged handle
Question 7 out of 9:

Which is a real shoe from the 1760s?

Women's shoes decorated with a painted floral design
Women's shoes decorated with a painted floral design
Question 8 out of 9:

Which of these is a real pattern designed by William Morris?

Wallpaper with repeating leaf pattern
Wallpaper with repeating leaf pattern
Question 9 out of 9:

Finally, which of these is a real gold ring, made around 800 AD?

Gold ring decorated with filigree
Gold ring decorated with filigree

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