A photo of a mannequin head wearing a black mask with a yellow smiley face emoji on the front. It is against a pink dotted background.

Historical events quiz: emoji edition

Welcome to the ultimate emoji history quiz! Get ready to test your knowledge of famous historical events – but with a twist! Instead of words, we’ll be giving you a series of emojis that represent key moments from history. Your job? Decode the emoji clues and guess the historical event they’re referring to! Ready to travel back in time? Let’s go!

Question 1 out of 10:

Okay, what event was this?

An image showing four emojis of a german flag, a wall, a hammer and a party popper against a white background with a blue border.
Question 2 out of 10:

Now, can you guess this one?

An image of some emojis showing a US flag, a rocket, the moon, a medal, a red flag and an astronaut against a white background with a blue border.
Question 3 out of 10:

Keep going! What was this event?

An image of five emojis showing the Italian flag, a ship, earth, a map, a magnifying glass and American flag against a white background with blue borders.
Discovery of America emojis
Question 4 out of 10:

You’re doing great! Which historical event was this?

An image of four emojis showing a salt shaker, a man walking, the Indian flag and a fist against a white background with a blue border.
Question 5 out of 10:

Right, what happened here?

An image of four emojis showing a British flag, a ship, an icecube and SOS signal against a white background with a blue border.
Question 6 out of 10:

Amazing – which landmark event was this?

An image of three emojis showing the French flag, a tower and a celebration popper against a white background with a blue border.
Question 7 out of 10:

Something a little bit more modern – can you guess?

An image showing three emojis of a japanese flag, a console control and a space invader against a white background with a blue border.
Question 8 out of 10:

Alright, what event was this?!

An image showing eight emojis - a black circle, a skull, a virus particle, earth, a coffin, a hospital, a pirate flag and an injection against a white background with blue borders.
Question 9 out of 10:

Okay, onto something cheerier – which event was this?

An image of four emojis showing the Argentina flag, a football, a trophy and a Qatar flag against a white background with a blue border.
Question 10 out of 10:

And finally, which historic event was this?

An image of four emojis showing the US flag, a medal, a phone and a red apple.

Are you ready to get your results?