A photo of the Jeff Buckley album Grace on CD against a purple and black dotted background with a blue halo.

Jeff Buckley lyrics quiz: How well do you know the songs?

Jeff Buckley is a legendary musician who rose to fame in the 1990s. Unfortunately, his tragic early death meant he wasn’t able to release a great deal of music, but his legacy still lives on today. Buckley is now considered one of the most influential artists of all time and has inspired many of your favourite artists today. But how well do you know his lyrics? Let’s find out!

Question 1 out of 10:

Complete the lyrics in Buckley’s title track, “Grace”:

My fading voice sings of love
But she cries to the…

A photo of Jeff Buckley's album Grace in CD format showing the front cover with Jeff holding a microphone, looking down against a blue background with the words JEFF BUCKLEY and GRACE around him. The CD is partially exposed from the case in black and white text. The CD is on a white background.
Question 2 out of 10:

Which song on the Grace album are these lyrics from?

Your faith was strong but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof

A photo of a woman in a rooftop swimming pool overlooking a city skyline at sunset.
Question 3 out of 10:

Okay, a tricky one now. Which song on the Grace album are these lyrics from?

The rhythms fall slow
Black beauty, I love you so

Close up of black cat with bright green eyes
Question 4 out of 10:

Complete the lyrics in “Lover, You Should’ve Come Over”

Maybe I’m too young…

The silhouette of two people's hands forming heart at sunset, with the sun positioned inside the heart.
Question 5 out of 10:

Complete the lyrics in “Lilac Wine”:

I made wine from the lilac tree…

Close up of branches in the woods
Question 6 out of 10:

What about this sad line in “Last Goodbye”? What do you think comes next?

But it’s over, just hear this and then I’ll go
You gave me more to live for…

Question 7 out of 10:

Which song do you think these beautiful lyrics are from?

There is a child sleeping near his twin
The pictures go wild in a rush of wind
That dark angel he is shuffling in
Watching over them with his black feather wings unfurled

Close up photograph of a white baby angel statue
Question 8 out of 10:

Which track were these honest lyrics from?

Don’t fool yourself
She was heartache from the moment that you met her

A photo of a neon heartbreak sign in white against a textured red and black background.
Question 9 out of 10:

What lyric comes next after I love you in Buckley’s “So Real” track?

A photo of Jeff Buckley playing guitar on stage looking down with a microphone in shot.
Question 10 out of 10:

Okay, last one. You got this! Which song are these lyrics from?

Too young to hold on
And too old to just break free and run

A black and white photo of Jeff Buckley holding a guitar against a black background with purple borders.

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