A photo of a cosplayer as the princess Zelda in a blonde wig with elvin ears against an orange dotted background with a blue halo

Zelda or the V&A?

Are you ready to test your Zelda knowledge and eye for detail? Welcome to our quiz where the fantastical environments of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild meet the beauty and wonder of the V&A collection. Can you tell the difference between the lush landscapes of Hyrule and a 19th Century painting? Dive in and see if you can guess which world is which!

Question 1 out of 5:

Okay, which one of these images is from Breath of the Wild?

A mid 18th century painting depicting a river and castle scene at sunset with trees in the foreground. The colours are yellows and dark greens.
A scene from Zelda: Breath of the Wild showing a vast landscape at dusk with a sunset in the background. Link stands on a hill edge surveying the green landscape where clouds hang low in the distance over the trees.
Question 2 out of 5:

Now, which one is a V&A object?

A scene from Zelda Breath of the Wild showing a bridge at sunset with trees in the background.
A 19th century painting showing a bridge next to a big tree with hills in the background. The colours are very dark except for the blue sky with vanilla shaded clouds.
Question 3 out of 5:

Again, can you spot the V&A object?

A 19th century painting showing a coastal scene at sunset in Brighton with the sun burning bright as it sets in the sky over the beach and sea.
Just a quick random question – you don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to.

Did you know there is LOADS more on mused?

[This doesn’t affect your result]
A photograph of many people dressed as different Spider-man and Spider-woman all posing in a superhero pose

Yes! I’ve seen a bunch of stuff I’m keen to check out! 26%

I’ve only seen more things at the end of a quiz, but it looked cool 14%

Oh really? I’ve only done this one thing – where is it all? 21%

No, but I’m not that fussed – happy just to do this one thanks! 39%

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Question 4 out of 5:

Now, which one is a scene from Zelda?

A painting from 1860 showing a riverboat scene with a man pointing forward on the boat. In the distance are snowcapped mountained and blue skies.
A scene from Zelda Breath of the Wild showing a river scene with rocks and a pier and ruins sticking out of the water. In the distance are snowcapped mountains and blue sky.
Question 5 out of 5:

Finally, which is the V&A object?

A scene from Zelda: Breath of the Wild showing a landscape at sunset with brown cliffs in the background.
A 19th century painting showing a scene on a hill with a house and mountains in the background at sunset with creamy vanilla coloured clouds in the sky.

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