A photograph of a hand with manicured pink tipped nails with a white sleeve against a purple background with a blue halo

Personality Quiz: Which nail art are you?

Are you a fan of having your nails done? Well, we’ve got the ultimate personality quiz for you! Are you more of a flower power person, understated elegance or bold ain’t-nothing-getting-in-my-way type colours wearer? Let’s find out!

Question 1 out of 10:

What is your go-to hot drink?

Hot chocolate
Question 2 out of 10:

You are away for a night, what is your packed essential?

A photo of some pink and purple floaty pyjamas against a grey background with blue borders
Question 3 out of 10:

Favourite kind of book?

A pile of books
Question 4 out of 10:

What makes you most happy?

Balloons with happy faces
Question 5 out of 10:

You encounter a talking animal in the forest – what do you do?

Just a quick random question – you don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to.

Have you ever visited the Young V&A museum?

[This doesn’t affect your result]
3 3d Yōkai hang from the ceiling at Young V&A museum, they are 3 Yōkai made from umbrellas. 1 is large and black with a big pink tongue, the second is a colourful bird, the third is one that looks like a human figure with a large flower for a head

Yes and I love it! 11%

Yes, but only once 6%

No, but I’d like to! 34%

I don’t know what it is? 48%

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Question 6 out of 10:

Favourite design?

Patterned plates
Question 7 out of 10:

Everyone has a favourite shape, what is yours?

Blocks of primary colours, black and beige
Question 8 out of 10:

Favourite way to travel?

A plane mid flight with cloud in the background
Question 9 out of 10:

What is your go-to colour?

Close up photograph of colourful gummy bears
Question 10 out of 10:

Finally, what motivates you?

Are you ready to get your results?