Young People's Collective
The Young People's Collective (YPC) co-design a year round programme of workshops, socials, meetings, trips and organise public events in collaboration with the teams across the museum as well as external partners across Dundee. YPC members get exclusive access to events and career opportunities.
The YPC meet weekly to build networks, collaborate, gain experience and make things happen. No qualification or experience necessary – just enthusiasm!
Past projects

Upstart 2024
Upstart was a multi-site festival that welcomed young people developing creative careers. Our Young People's Collective curated the programme here at the museum, including workshops, talks and their first live podcast episode.

People's Tartan
The People's Tartan was a call out inviting the public to share their tartan objects and the stories to be included in our Tartan exhibition. The final selection of objects for the exhibition were chosen by our Young People’s Collective. Supported by our Exhibitions team, they learned how to curate and sensitively tell the personal stories, transforming the everyday into the exceptional.

Art Night Dundee 2023
Our Young People’s Collective asked “What is the relationship between Art and Design?‘’. Delving into archives, exploring comic book design, zine making and asking a plethora of creatives working in Art, Design and beyond. YPC commissioned Dundee-based Yalla Riso to co-design a series of Poster Zines peppered with their findings.