How can we change the way we interact with the world by embedding the values of craftspeople?
Richard Sennett believes the desire to do things well resides in all of us. He sees physical making, and the satisfaction it brings, as a part of being human.
From coding to cooking to building, Sennett argues that embedding the values of craftspeople across modern life could change the way we interact with the world around us. Over the past five decades, Sennett has written on social theory and contributed to our understanding of design, craft, capitalism, labour, class, architecture and society. He is also a musician and novelist.
Sennett’s Homo Faber trilogy includes his books The Craftsman, Together and Building and Dwelling. Through these works, Sennett explored the history of craftsmanship and why making is part of living, the rituals and politics of cooperation, and our relationship between the good built environment and the good life.
Assemble, our current Designers-in-Residence, are working with us, Dundee's Central Library and a group of local young people to explore the relationship between contemporary production techniques and traditional building crafts. Through a series of workshops, the group will produce a new interior space for Dundee inspired by the city’s architecture. This evolving piece of work is now taking shape in our galleries in an exhibition called Making Room.