Making-up the 1960s: Mary Quant Cosmetics
Quant’s playful cosmetics created the look of a new generation, the face of the Swinging Sixties
Join Stephanie Wood for this live talk exploring Mary Quant’s irreverent, playful approach to building a cosmetics brand. With quirky products, clever marketing and bold packaging, Mary Quant cosmetics enabled customers around the world to get the ‘look’ and was fundamental to Quant’s ethos of making designer style affordable to everyone.
Stephanie Wood is a project curator at V&A South Kensington whose research centres on 20th and 21st-century Fashion. She is co-curator of the 'Mary Quant' exhibition and contributing author of the accompanying book. She was exhibition researcher of the 'Balenciaga: Shaping Fashion' exhibition, worked on the major redisplay of V&A South Kensington's Fashion Gallery (2012) and project managed the Fashion in Motion programme, staging live fashion events within the museum in London (2011 - 2016).
This live talk will include closed captions provided by Stagetext and BSL interpretation by Leigh Anderson and Julie Wilson.