What are you going to do next?

V&A Museum
April 15, 2010

I wish I had a £1 every time someone asked me ‘What are you going to do next?’  I could treat myself to a cream tea in a fancy hotel or (even better) slope off to a spa – I quite fancy being slathered in gloop and wrapped in cling film.  Rather naively I thought I would have the opportunity to relax over the Easter – I’d planned my two week break rather minutely.  Rising late, followed by brunch, a stroll on the Pier followed by a long leisurely lunch then an afternoon snooze, surfacing just in time for a light supper and maybe a thought provoking DVD.  Instead I was wide awake at 3.30 am, with thoughts of the exhibition still whizzing through my head, unable to concentrate on anything for more than 5 minutes and wandering around the house aimlessly trying to get my act together.

I had the rather bizarre experience of sitting in the chi chi hair salon listening to an enthusiastic conversation between a stylist and client about the exhibition.  I kept my eyes adverted – why was I so reticent, surely I should be jumping up and down in my chair squealing ‘yes yes and I’m the curator’.  Why this sudden loss of confidence?  I had returned to my desk to find dozens of letters, cards and emails – the warmth and generosity of so many people was overwhelming.  I knew all about exhibitions blues settling in but was unprepared for its onslaught.  It was perhaps no surprise that Radio 4’s Saturday Review had me in complete tears (and if you haven’t heard this please do – its a complete vindication for anyone working in textiles http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00rd3x9/Saturday_Review_20_03_2010/)

So what am I going to do next – well I have one or ideas percolating around my brain, but before I get ahead of myself I really must knuckle down and deal with the growing pile of paperwork on my desk …..

So many people are sending me information about various quilt exhibitions up and down the country – I thought you might appreciate the following:

Unsung Heritage: The Quilts of Wales at The Jen Jones Welsh Quilt Centre, Lampeter’s Old Town Hall, Lampeter until 31 December 2010 www.jen-jones.com

Classic American Quilts at The American Museum in Bath 13 March – 31 October 2010 www.americanmuseum.org

Art Quilts by Alicia Merrett at Somerset Rural Life Museum, Glastonbury 20 March – 15 May www.lancashire.gov.uk/museums

Inspired by the Past: Traditional Practice and Contemporary Conversations at Quilt Museum and Gallery, St Anthony’s Hall, York 27 March – 3 July 2010 www.quiltmuseum.org.uk

A Patchwork Wife: An Exhibiiton of Textile Art and Poetry by Sue Wood at Helmshore Mills Textile Museum, Helmshore 1 April – 23 May 2010 www.somerset.gov.uk/museums

Welsh Quilts 1830-2010, The Quilt Association at the Minerva Arts Centre, Llanidloes 26 April – 29 May 2010 www.quilt.org.uk

Loch Lomond Quilt Show (Region 16 QGBI) 19 -22 May www.lochlomondquiltshow.com


About the author

V&A Museum
April 15, 2010

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