Quilts – Hidden Histories, Untold Stories was the curator’s blog for the V&A’s Quilts: 1700 – 2010 exhibition
Actually we don't have a dog, although Dobby the House Elf seems to spend an inordinate amount of time goggling images of cute pug puppies. However I am yet again in the...
I've been a bit out of sorts recently - the Muse has packed her bags, tossed her head and matched out of the building without so much as a backward glance. I couldn't think of...
I am by nature a woman’s woman. I like the sense of female solidarity you get when you are with a group of like minded women. When the husband was working abroad, my daughters...
Actually last week I was whisked off by the husband to Frenchman’s Creek. I had been suffering from anxiety dreams again, you know the ones. I would find myself standing up...
But I confess I’m not exactly au fait with new technology...
We've had a few enquiries recently regarding Project Linus and its absence in the exhibition. I first heard about Project Linus in 2003, when I lived on the Isle of Wight. The...
I wish I had a £1 every time someone asked me 'What are you going to do next?' I could treat myself to a cream tea in a fancy hotel or (even better) slope off to a...
It has been a bit like living in Narnia recently. After all the excitement of last week's PV, the constant round of press interviews and VIPtours I should really have taken...
After six years of blood, sweat and quite a few tears - we have arrived! Enjoy. ps is it me or do Ilook spookily like Elsa Lanchester in Bride of...
well today it’s a pair of jeans, socks and tee-shirt recycled from the growing pile of discarded outfits worn during installation this week. All had passed what I call...
My feet feel like bloody stumps, I’m gasping for a cup of tea and my fingers are wrinkled from 10 hours of being encased in purple nitrate gloves.But I love installation...
Over the last two years I have had the pleasure of working with so many extraordinary artists and makers.Many have welcomed me into their homes and studios, sharing thoughts and...
Our Bookings Office (who has the patience of a saint) has confirmed that tickets for individuals are indeed now available to book by phone or online. Go to...
Every woman to do her duty.Yes Ladies – now is the time to take up your needle and with patience and perseverance communicate your loyalty, patriotism and commitment to...
A little girl spent every summer wandering around the V&A with her grandparents.Like all little girls she was entranced by the Costume Court but above all she was intrigued by...
I was sorting mine out last week in preparation for a photo shoot (at home with the Prichards – complete with husband making like Keith Floyd, whisk in one hand, glass of...
Pottered in this morning, full of the joys of spring (well almost) - opened the emails and found a flurry of activity re my last posting. Just to reassure everyone that there will...
There I was - on the one hand revelling in my new found freedom from meetings and on the other feeling abandoned when suddenly Team Quilts sprang back into action. We have a new...
.... no I didn't get a sable under my tree but violet creams were definitely the present du jour, along with a rather fabulous crushed raspberry coloured quilted hot water...