We would like to invite a representative of the GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives, and museums) and Heritage community to become a member of the Steering Committee for the AHRC-funded Early Career Fellowships in Cultural and Heritage Institutions Fellowship programme.
The overall purpose of the Early Career Fellowships funding opportunity is to enable post-doctoral (or equivalent) researchers to gain research and career experience in the galleries, libraries, archives, and museums (GLAM) sector.

The objectives of the scheme are to:
- create new opportunities for postdoctoral researchers to build, deepen or broaden their experience of working in, and with, major cultural and heritage organisations.
- develop the fellows’ skills and future research career in areas of relevance to the work, collections, and practices of cultural and heritage organisations.
- deliver high-quality and impactful research and innovation projects.
- enhance the host organisation’s capacity to undertake research and innovation activities closely aligned with its priorities and strategies, and leading to practical benefits and outcomes for the host.
- address a need across the GLAM sector in respect of the lack of dedicated support at the early stage of research careers.
- promote equality, diversity, and inclusion principles.
- strengthen efforts to build and diversify research capabilities in the cultural heritage research and innovation ecosystem.
- further extend the GLAM sector’s engagement with, and contribution to, society.
- catalyse high quality and impactful research and innovation projects.
This will be achieved through funding individual fellowships for early career researchers hosted by cultural and heritage independent research organisations, with a complementary programme of networking events and cohort career development activities for the fellows.
The V&A is acting as the cohort coordination and development team for the AHRC funded scheme. The scheme launched in November 2022. Fellowships will commence in late 2023/early 2024, with full time fellowships lasting two years, and part time fellowships lasting up to four years. The closing event will be held in the first few months of 2026.
The Steering Committee will provide critical support and challenge to the Coordination Team, meeting biannually over a period of 34 – 36 months. Please see the Terms of Reference for more information about the role of the Steering Committee.
The first steering group meeting is intended to be held in hybrid format (physically in London), to enable members to meet in person should they wish, but allowing for remote attendance if preferred. It will be held at the end of May 2023. Future meetings may be at alternative locations or online, depending on the preferences of the steering group. We can cover your travel expenses and would be happy to assist with arrangements.
We invite expressions of interest in this open call to join the Steering Committee by Monday 15 May 2023. Please submit a CV and a short statement (of around 200 words), outlining why you are interested in joining the committee and what you would bring to the role, by email to e.rowley@vam.ac.uk
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.