Samsung Digital Classroom with Oliver Lang

Learning and Interpretation
April 9, 2015
© Oliver Lang

Photography has never been so popular and the opportunities for people to share their work has never been greater. Powerful new mobile devices encapsulate the old photographers’ axiom of, “The best camera to use is the one you have with you”. A quick look through Instagram will show you how photographers are using the freedom of always carrying a camera to capture incredible moments and reveal the possibilities of the creative use of apps.

On Saturday 18th April, Oliver Lang, or Oggsie by his Instagram handle, will be here at the V&A running a day long workshop on making the most of photography on mobile devices and how to use social networks to increase the reach of your creative work.

© Oliver Lang
© Oliver Lang

Oliver Lang has taught mobile photography for several years at leading art institutions in both Australia and the UK (Including the ACP, MCA, AGNSW, TATE and V&A). His mobile photography has taken him around the world, working in Sydney, London and New York with several major brands including Burberry, Mercedes Benz and Samsung.

He curates mobile photography shows at major photography festivals with @mobilephotonetwork in Australia and the UK, writes for photography publications and is asked to speak regularly about mobile photography and why it is different to other forms of photography.

Oliver did not study photography but instead taught himself with his mobile phone. His curiosity and obsession with perfecting his art lead him in his learning and experimenting with the medium. His knowledge of mobile photography comes from years of practice, and in his own words, “…thousands of bad photographs” ! This workshop will emphasize the importance of experimenting and failure in successful photography and how you can embrace that to become a better photographer.

© Oliver Lang
© Oliver Lang

The Samsung Digital Classroom is a new programme of workshops and events for 16 – 19 year olds. Working with experts and leading artists and designers in the digital arts, each session explores emerging practices using the V&A’s collections as inspiration for your own designs.

You can turn up with your own device or use our latest devices to create your work. At the end of the session, you will be able to print your favourite image from the day to take away with you.

Book your place on the workshop online or through our Bookings Office here.


About the author

Learning and Interpretation
April 9, 2015

I'm Team Leader for Digital Programmes at the V&A and run events, workshops, talks and festivals with artists and designers who use and experiment with digital tools, processes and manufacturing.

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