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Search the Library Catalogue
Find and request print collections available to view in our study rooms. Explore our 'Course Reserves', which provide book lists and e-resources on a range of topics, including databases, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, current V&A exhibitions and courses, NAL events and the history of the V&A. Some e-resources are only available to view when you are in our study rooms due to licensing arrangements.
You can find information on how to search the Library Catalogue and request material in our downloadable instructions.
Requesting items
All items may only be consulted in the Library and cannot be borrowed.
We recommend that you request items in advance of your visit to make the most of your time in the Library. You can request up to 8 items at a time. Please note that some rare items can only be requested during your visit or are available by appointment – this is indicated in the library catalogue.
The Library is open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, from 10.00 to 17.00.
Although an appointment is not necessary, you are strongly advised to order any items you wish to consult in advance of your visit via our online catalogue. Item requests must be placed by 15.30 for same day delivery. The Special Collections desk closes at 16.30.
View the location of the Library on our digital map.
Food and drink are not permitted in the Library. Any bags should be deposited at the cloakrooms. Cloakroom charges are payable on your first visit but you will be exempt on future visits on production of your valid library card. A clear plastic bag is provided to decant any items you need to use in the Library. Please see conditions of use for further information.
Visit the NAL blog for the latest updates about the Library, and sign up to the NAL newsletter.
The Library hosts a number of free events for the general museum visitor.
National Art Library and Archive talks
Join V&A Library and Archive staff each Monday (except bank holidays) at 11.30 and 14.00 for a short talk on an item from our collections and the history and purpose of the Library.
Library and Archive Discovery Days
All are welcome to drop in and explore our reading rooms, meet our staff, see our collections and take a glimpse behind the scenes on one of our regular Discovery Days.
Disability access to the Library
Find out about access to and facilities for people with disabilities in the National Art Library and our other study rooms.
Group visits
If you are a group involved in researching, studying, working or participating in the arts and would like to visit the Library, you can contact us at: Group visits require a minimum of six weeks notice.
Study rooms
In addition to the National Art Library, we also have a number of other study rooms, both on- and off-site, where it is possible to view over 2 million objects from the reference collections and to conduct private research.

To request items to view in the Library and our other study rooms, you will first need to join the Library by creating a user account. This can be done in advance or during your visit.
Create an account by completing our online form. Once you have set a password, you will be able to login to the library catalogue and place requests.
On your first visit to the Library you will need to show current ID (e.g. passport, bank card, national ID card, etc.) and proof of address (e.g. bank statement, utility bill, driving licence, etc.), in order to complete the joining process and be issued with a Library card.
Renewing your Library card
Please contact us if your membership has expired and you wish to request items in advance of your visit. We will issue your new Library card on receipt of your ID when you visit.

Enquiries and copying
Our staff can help you with questions about our library collections and services, as well as specific queries related to art and design.
Copying is subject to UK copyright law and permitted for private study or non-commercial research. The amount you copy must be 'fair and justifiable' and no more than a single chapter or 10% of a total work. Out-of-copyright materials may be copied not for publication.
Onsite copying
You may take photographs using hand-held devices or at the camera stand provided. Please note that flash or use of other artificial light is not permitted in order to protect our collections and avoid disrupting other readers. Please treat all material with great care and make use of the book supports and weights. Ask a member of staff if you need help or advice in handling any item.
Book scanners are available and free to use with a USB drive. Please bring your own USB drive for use in the Library.
Copying service
If you are unable to visit the library in person, please contact us to order copies online.
Please find our charges listed below.
For copyright materials we supply research quality copies (200dpi) in line with UK Copyright Law to individuals undertaking non-commercial research and private study only. Please see our Terms of use. You may be required to sign a copyright declaration statement. If you require high resolution images or images for publication, please visit V&A Images.
Please note that the supply of copies can take up to 20 working days.
Where possible scans will be provided as double page spreads. Any born digital material will be charged at a flat fee of £15.00.
Number of scans and cost:
0 – 10: £15
11 – 20: £20
21 – 50: £35
51 – 100: £50
101 – 150: £75
151 – 200: £100
201 – 250: £125
251 – 300: £150
Inter-library copying
We are part of the national inter-library loans (ILL) community, which is committed to the co-operation of libraries in sharing resources.

Book collections
The Library holds around one million books on subjects central to the V&A collections including prints, drawings, paintings, photographs, ceramics and glass, textiles and fashion, furniture, design, metalwork and sculpture. Our rich collections range from medieval manuscripts to contemporary artists' books and armorial bindings to comics and graphic novels.

Visit our blog to keep up-to-date with the latest Library news, exciting new service developments and to discover more about our collections, displays and research projects.