Inside the Botticelli Reimagined exhibition
Inside the Botticelli Reimagined exhibition
Telling a story 500 years in the making, Botticelli Reimagined was the largest Botticelli exhibition in Britain since 1930
This exhibition explored the enduring impact of the Florentine painter Sandro Botticelli from the Pre-Raphaelites to today
Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510) is recognised as one of the greatest artists of all time. His celebrated images are firmly embedded in public consciousness and his influence permeates art, design, fashion and film.
It hits the target and then some, with a fabulously explosive show
City A.M
This is a landmark event. It shows other museums how to reimagine Renaissance art for 21st century audiences.
Jonathan Jones, The Guardian
The urge to return, many times, is going to be very strong… One not to be missed under any circumstances.
Philip Hensher, The Mail on Sunday
... the best way to see Botticelli in Britain now, and therefore essential viewing.
Jackie Wullschlager, The Financial Times
Inside the Botticelli Reimagined exhibition
Telling a story 500 years in the making, Botticelli Reimagined was the largest Botticelli exhibition in Britain since 1930
Botticelli’s influence
Terry Gilliam, ORLAN, Tomoko and David La Chapelle discuss the influence that Botticelli has had on their work
Portrait of a Lady known as Smeralda Bandinelli
Discover how Botticelli's gazing lady ended up at the V&A
Botticelli and pulp fiction
Mark Evans, Curator of Botticelli Reimagined discusses the impact of The Birth of Venus on popular culture
A walk through Botticelli’s Florence
Mark Evans, curator of Botticelli Reimagined, explores where the artist was born, lived and died
Conservation of Pentecost by Sandro Botticelli
The challenges of preparing a 500 year old fragile masterpiece to go on display
The ‘Dan Brown effect’: Venus-mania from the Olympians to the Expressionists
Having worked for so long on Botticelli Reimagined, could Mark Evans be experiencing Venusian fever?
Framing Botticelli
V&A Senior Conservator Zoe Allen explores a range of beautifully carved and gilded frames from the exhibition Botticelli Reimagined