Europe 1600-1815 in-gallery audio guide
Europe 1600-1815 in-gallery audio guide
Get the most out of your visit to the Europe 1600-1815 galleries with our mobile audio guide
In Europe 1600 – 1815 over 1100 objects from the V&A’s collections of 17th- and 18th-century European art and design are displayed in a suite of seven galleries. The collection comprises some of the most magnificent works held by the V&A.
These galleries have been made possible thanks to the generosity of the Heritage Lottery Fund, the children of Her Highness Sheikha Amna Bint Mohammed Al Thani, the Friends of the V&A, The Selz Foundation, Würth Group, The Wolfson Foundation, Dr Genevieve Davies, William Loschert, the J Paul Getty Jr Charitable Trust and many other private individuals and trusts.
Europe 1600-1815 in-gallery audio guide
Get the most out of your visit to the Europe 1600-1815 galleries with our mobile audio guide
Design a Wig
In the late 18th century, women's hair styles went crazy! Create and share your own hair-raising design.
Tastemakers: Europe 1600-1815 Galleries
Actress Imelda Staunton takes us on a journey to discover objects made in Europe for some of the period’s most discerning leaders of taste - King Louis XIV, Queen Marie Antoinette and Catherine the Great
The Rouen gamesboard tray
Lessons in love from a rare ceramic board game
Explore the Ommegang
Get closer to one of the star objects in the Europe 1600-1815 galleries: a painting that depicts a huge annual procession in Brussels in 1615
The Encyclopédie
Ranging from Beekeeping to Zanzibar, discover the story of one of the world's greatest intellectual and publishing projects
The conservation of Marie Antoinette's chair
Follow our Conservation team on their fascinating journey to restore an 18th-century chair made specially for Marie Antoinette
Audio: What was Europe? A New Salon
A series of four conversations that marked the 2016 opening of the V&A's new permanent galleries devoted to art and design in Europe 1600 – 1815
The puzzle of portraits: Francis Williams and Vanley Burke
Explore two important portraits separated by three centuries
Background image: Writing cabinet (detail), probably by Michael Kimmel, 1750 – 55, Dresden, Germany. Museum no. W.63-1977. © Victoria and Albert Museum, London